Presenter: Beth Frates, MD, Harvard University
AM Keynote (9:00 AM – 10:30 AM)
Lifestyle Medicine for Leaders
Lifestyle medicine is the specialty in medicine that uses prescriptions
for exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress management, social connections,
and avoidance of risky substances to treat, prevent, and in some cases reverse chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. There are research based guidelines that are
employed and individualized for each person. Knowing the guidelines and working to make small changes to reach them is important for patients and providers alike.
AM Keynote brought to you courtesy of
Presenter: Delcie Bean, Paragus
PM Keynote (1:00 PM – 2:30 PM)
Breaking through the Hype of AI
Few things have been hyped as much as Artificial Intelligence.
However, behind all that hype, many leaders are left wondering if,
when and how AI is going to impact their organization. In this highly interactive presentation, we’ll take a moment to align on where AI is today, why everyone is talking about it, and where it is going in the near future. After establishing some context, we’ll explore how you can start using AI right away and leave lots of time for your questions.
PM Keynote brought to you courtesy of